Version control is a vital ability for developers to master, and git is far and away the foremost standard version system on the online. during this fast course, author Ray Villalobos shows you ways to put in git and use the elemental commands you wish to figure with scum bag projects: moving files, managing logs, and dealing with branches. Plus, you will find out how to figure with the favored GitHub web site to explore existing comes, clone them to your native disk drive, and use them as templates for your new comes. start currently.
Want to explore scum bag and gitHub in more depth? Watch Git Essential training for more comprehensive coverage of those tools.
Topics include Node.js Essential Training:
- What is Node.js?
- Installing Node.js
- Understanding the global object and global timing
- Importing the core modules
- Handling events
- Creating child processes
- Reading, writing, and removing files
- Working with file streams
- Making http requests
- Serving files and JSON data
- Installing npm, the node package manager
- Working with Express, the web server framework
- Using WebSockets
- Testing and debugging Node.js code
- Working with Grunt and Browserify
- Automating tasks with npm scripts
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